In the Christian tradition, Labyrinths represent our pilgrimage of faith towards Christ. In medieval times, labyrinths were popular alternatives for those who were unable to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. In fact, one of the most famous Labyrinths is located in Chartres Cathedral in France. It is the largest church labyrinth constructed in the Middle Ages. The Cathedral itself is an essential landmark of medieval architecture and has been named a World Heritage Site. The Labyrinth at St. Anthony Retreat Center, designed and constructed by Rob Hodges, is a smaller version of the famous French Labyrinth.
The Labyrinth is a tool for a form of contemplative prayer in which one makes a journey into the center. The journey is symbolic of traveling inward into ourselves. We journey into our hearts where God awaits us and then we return with renewed peace and insight. One may pray the Labyrinth as quickly or as slowly as they prefer.
The Labyrinth is available to all who come to the retreat center.